Finding beauty in the ordinary.

51 Degrees North was started with the hope that the beauty of Northwestern Ontario could be shown through photography to the entire world, not just to those brave enough to venture into it.

My name is Aaron LeBlanc. I grew up in the Red Lake area right along the 51st parallel north of the equator. I have spent the last few years of my life keeping my camera within arms reach nearly every day, honing my craft by using my equipment as often as possible. For that reason, you will not find any stock images on this website, what you see is my progression through the years. From chasing the aurora borealis, to following the action at drag races or the bride at a wedding, I have tried my hand at every type of photography I can. My real passion is in landscape and wildlife photography.. It is this passion I would like to share and use to help you with your end goal. Whether that is being able to hang a shot of your favourite scenic location on the wall or keep a memory alive forever. 51 Degrees North is here to help.